I finally finished the scarf I started last year.  There hasn't been time for knitting since 15 years ago when my first baby was born.  Early winter a year ago I was sitting in the hospital beside my loved one and I needed something to do with my hands and my worry, so I knit.  I started the scarf.And then a few months later there I was again in the hospital, sitting and waiting and i needed something to do with my disbelief so I kept knitting...through the Hospice house up until after the funeral.  In late spring I hung the knitting bag on a hook underneath and behind the coats.  

With the first snow this winter, I found the knitting bag underneath my coat, right where I left it on its hook.  It didn't take long to finish.  I needed something to do with my grief so I knit.

(I learned to knit when I was a girl.  I remember the vomit yellow skein of sticky acrylic yarn and the shiny aluminum needles that were gifted to me by my mom and grandmother.  I knitted and raveled and knitted and raveled until I finally got a vomit yellow scarf that I never wore but was proud of.  I love the process and the time to think more than anything. )